Choosing FBA with BIP or Simple BIP?
  • 11 Nov 2019
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Choosing FBA with BIP or Simple BIP?

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Article Summary

Starting a FBA with BIP or Starting a Simple BIP?

Behavior Advantage allows users to develop FBA-based BIP's as well as Simple BIP's without formal functional assessments.  So what's the difference?  And, which plan should you use?

Overall, FBA with BIP involves gathering new data on student behaviors via formal Functional Behavior Assessments or FBAs to address more severe and persistent behaviors.  Whereas, Simple BIP's are usually based on the retrospective assessment of past student behaviors, including environmental factors, to identify strategies to support a student moving forward, or to update an existing behavior plan.  Both plans are typically developed within a collaborative team approach.  However, FBA with BIP usually involves a clinical support staff member (e.g., BCBAs, MHTs, School Psychologists) leading the team process.

Here are a few questions to consider that will help your team decide which plan to choose:

º Are the student's behaviors severe and persistent?

º Are you collecting new student data for assessment to develop this plan?

º Are you conducting a formal Functional Behavior Assessment to support your behavior plan (e.g., scheduling future observations, interviews, assessments, record reviews, etc.)?

º Have previous behavior plans failed to improve student behaviors?
If you answered yes to these questions, then your team may want to strongly consider developing a FBA with BIP.

To clarify further, Simple BIP's should include informal team discussions exploring the environmental and functional variables affecting behaviors (e.g., triggers, function, skill deficits, etc.).  Information from these discussions should then be used to develop a Simple BIP that matches the individual's specific and functional needs.

Note:  If your team plans to conduct direct observations, interviews, or new data collection to help develop your behavior plan, then you must secure a signed Request for Assessment form from the student's primary caregiver.