Student Group Management
  • 23 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Student Group Management

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Article summary

Setup & Manage Student Groups

Student Group Management allows users to organize students into groups and manage users access to those groups.

  1. On the homepage, click on Management Actions in the top-right of the screen and select Student Groups.
  2. To create a new student group, click +Add Group button in the top-right blue header
  3. Assign the New Student Group a Name* [Typical Student Group Names might include the classroom name, teacher name, program name, etc.]
  4. Use the Available-Chosen Staff boxes to grant specific users access to this student group [Access allows these users to view and manage behavior supports for students in this group]
  5. Use the Available-Chosen Students boxes to select students to be in this group
  6. Click the Save button

NOTE: For Users with Group Administrator access, a Student Group must first be added and made accessible to the User before they can view or access added students.